The very old, brand new:時代重塑・古字新生 – neue Serie57®字

2024-05-28 to 2024-06-16
The very old, brand new:時代重塑・古字新生 – neue Serie57®字

The very old, brand new:時代重塑・古字新生 – neue Serie57®字

2024-05-28 - 2024-06-16
不只是圖書館 A7W-104


從 19 世紀末開始,在當時德國最大的字體公司Berthold,從設計、開發並生產的「Akzidenz-Grotesk 」字體家族便已享譽全球,甚至被稱為現代無襯線字體之母。隨著國際主義的平面風格興起,Akzidenz-Grotesk(簡稱AG)成為這個浪潮中最具影響力的字體,也因而聲名遠播。

1957年,對於字體設計來說是具有里程碑意義的一年,除了在這一年誕生了兩款極具影響力的字體:「Helvetica」和「Univers」之外,同年在德國,Berthold 的設計總監 Günter Gerhard Lange 因應當時的時代精神,也設計了一個AG的新版本: Akzidenz Grotesk Serie57 。 遺憾的是,它從未被製作成一個完整的字體家族,也不知為何被後人忽略,並隨著時代演進而被埋沒、也未曾被數位化。多年後,設計師Erik Spiekermann在一個舊鉛字木匣中意外地發現了這款字體的鉛字。他與設計師Alexander Roth合作,對其進行重製、設計,一套全新的數位字型「neue Serie57®」因而問世,它雖然誕生於數位時代,但其根源可以追溯到 19 世紀。
不只是圖書館攜手字體設計師張軒豪和Alexander Roth,展覽除了將完整呈現「neue Serie57®」的起源、製作過程與設計細節之外,還會展出「Akzidenz-Grotesk」的歷史文物、應用與字體樣本,這也是亞洲史上第一次有如此豐富Akzidenz-Grotesk相關展品的機會。隨著深入了解這款字體的獨特之處及其背後的故事,將帶領觀眾經歷一場激勵人心的文化探索之旅。這不僅是一場展覽,更是對創新精神和文化遺產的一次深情致敬,讓我們一起來發掘並欣賞這段寶貴的設計歷史。
更令人興奮的事,neue Serie57®的設計師Alexander Roth將特地前來台灣, 透過講座親身分享字體製作的過程,另外也會帶領字體排印工作坊,以實作來以neue Serie57®體驗歐文排版的趣味之處。
neue Serie57®的設計師簡介
◎ Alexander Roth
Alexander Roth是一位字體設計師,畢業於海牙皇家藝術學院並曾在於許多全球知名的字型公司工作過,像FontFont、FontShop、Linotype與Monotype等,同時也是2019年發行的「Helvetica® Now」字型的設計師之一。目前成立了自己的字型公司「neue」並提供原創字體及客製字體服務。他的作品橫跨了時裝產業、汽車製造商、文化機構和政府機構,並且得過德國設計大獎以及紐約字體指導俱樂部所頒發的獎項殊榮。
◎ Erik Spiekermann
自 70 年代以來,Erik Spiekermann的圖形標誌和設計作品一直是引領世界平面設計的獨特存在。身為 MetaDesign 和 Edenspiekermann 的創辦人,他為柏林的公共交通、德國鐵路、《經濟學家》以及Audi、Volkswagen和Bosch等品牌塑造了獨特的形象。另外,他所設計的一些字體如 ITC Officina 和 FF Meta(台灣高鐵的指標使用字型)也被視為經典。時至今日,他仍是字體界的核心人物。 目前他在柏林成立了活版印刷工作室 Hacking Gutenberg,並且仍在為公共交通計畫設計指標系統,偶爾也寫書和設計字體。
關於本次展覽的最新相關資訊,歡迎關注「The very old, brand new:時代重塑・古字新生– neue Serie57®字體展」的Instagram帳號:
neue Serie57® 系列活動
① 關於一個古字新生的製作過程|講座|2024/06/02 14-16
② 海報設計——以橡皮章字與模板字手工排印|工作坊|2024/06/16 14-17
展覽地點:不只是圖書館 Not Just Library
展覽期間:2024/05/28(二)- 2024/06/16(日)(每週一休館)
開放時間:10:00 – 18:00
實體購票:  (請至設計點)
主辦單位|neue、Eyeson Type
協辦單位|Hacking Gutenberg
策展人|張軒豪、Alexander Roth
Akzidenz Grotesk, which was designed, developed and produced in many weights and sizes at Berthold from the end of the 19th century onwards, is known worldwide. It has been called the mother of all modern sans serif type-faces. With the rise of the International Typographic styles, Akzidenz Grotesk (abbreviated as AG) became the most influential typeface in this trend, thus gaining widespread recognition.
1957 was a landmark year for type design, marking the birth of two highly influential typefaces: Helvetica and Univers. In the same year in Germany, Günter Gerhard Lange (GGL), Berthold’s artistic director, designed a new version: Akzidenz Grotesk Series 57. GGL had caught the spirit of the times and tidied up, smoothed out and simplified the youngest child of the AG family. Unfortunately, it was never made into a complete family of faces and it was somehow overlooked by later generations and thus never digitized. Until Erik Spiekermann unexpectedly discovered  it in a mislabelled case. He brought Alexander Roth from neue Fonts on board, to digitize it and expand the design, thus now we have a new typeface "neue Serie57®" of our own, born in the digital world, but with a pedigree that goes back to the 19th century.
In this exhibition, in addition to presenting the origin, production process, and design details of "neue Serie57®", historical materials, prints, and type specimens of "Akzidenz Grotesk" will also be exhibited, marking the first time in Asian history to have such a rich collection of Akzidenz Grotesk-related exhibits. As audiences delve deeper into the uniqueness of this typeface and the stories behind it, they will be taken on an inspiring cultural journey. This is not just an exhibition, but also a tribute to the spirit of innovation and cultural heritage. Welcome to join us to explore and appreciate this valuable piece of design history.
In addition to the exhibition itself, Alexander Roth, the designer of neue Serie57®, will come to Taiwan to share the design process of neue Serie57® through a lecture, and will also lead a typography workshop to experience the manual typesetting and printing with neue Serie57®.
The designer of neue Serie57®
◎ Alexander Roth
Alexander is a type designer who has worked across the leading type foundries throughout his career (FontFont, FontShop, Linotype and Monotype). He is also one of the designers of the Helvetica® Now, which was released in 2019. In 2020 he founded neue. A type design practice offering off-the-shelf and custom font solutions. His portfolio includes work for fashion companies, auto manufactures, cultural institutions and government institutions. He is honored with the German Design Award as well as accolades from the Type Directors Club, New York.
◎ Erik Spiekermann
Erik Spiekermann’s graphic identity and design work has been a distinctive part of the visual world since the 1970s. As the founder of MetaDesign and Edenspiekermann, he gave Berlin’s public transport, Deutsche Bahn, the Economist and brands such as Audi, Volkswagen and Bosch a distinctive appearance. Some of his typeface design – like ITC Officina and FF Meta – are considered classics. To this day he is a central figure in scene. He now runs the post-digital workshop Hacking Gutenberg in Berlin. Erik is still involved in designing way finding systems for public transit projects. He also occasionally writes books and designs type.
For the latest information, please follow our instagram:
neue Serie57® Event
① About the making of a very old, brand new typeface|2024/06/02 14-16
② Poster design with prefabricated stamps and stencils|2024/06/16 14-17
Exhibition Name|The very old, brand new – neue Serie57®
Exhibition Period|2024.05.28 TUE. - 2024.06.16 SUN.
Opening Time|10:00–18:00
Location|Not Just Library
Directed by|Industrial Development Administration, MOEA
Hosted by|neue, Eyeson Type
Executive Organized by|Not Just Library
Co-organized by|Hacking Gutenberg
Supported by|Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government,  justfont, FUFU PRINT INC., Inter-States Paper, Plus1 creative marketing, braun.1955
Curated by|Joe Chang, Alexander Roth




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